Saturday, January 28, 2012

Assignment 1: Nic Mitham Interview

  My first internship assignment was to transcribe an interview. The interview is about how businesses can use virtual worlds to figure out how to work in the real world. For instance, a corporation can use a virtual oil rig to figure out how to set up sleeping quarters in a real and tangible oil rig. In other words, the interviewer and her guest advocated the idea that virtual and real worlds are connected.

  I had to download the dropbox service, which allows computer users to share information like Microsoft Word documents, photos, or videos. I am just learning how to use this service, and have yet to understand how others gain access to my work.

  I did transcribe the interview, and placed the transcribed version into a document that went into the dropbox service. The challenging thing about transcribing this particular interview, was that the person interviewed (Nic Mitham) stated near the beginning that he preferred to ramble, so not everything was stated clearly and articulately. This along with his heavy British accent made it difficult at times to completely understand what he was saying. Nevertheless, I transcribed the interview as accurately as I could, including spoken words, and the ideas and arguments presented.

Christopher Zeidel- January 28, 2012