Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week 13

  I am still waiting for my site supervisor to give me feedback on my latest project on new virtual worlds and the latest companies who have created them. Although I have not had any experience using virtual and 3D worlds, I did learn much about them including their purposes, the many types available, and the people that use them.

  I went to websites for many virtual environments and the companies creating them, gathered screenshots of their logos and basic information about them, which will be placed into upcoming editions to The Consumer Guide To Virtual Worlds and The Enterprise Guide To Virtual Worlds. Readers of the guides that are members of The Association of Virtual Worlds and other individuals and companies can learn about these new virtual and 3D worlds so they know what virtual technology is now available that can benefit them professionally, improve their businesses, and also entertain them whenever they use virtual and 3D worlds for play.

  Virtual and 3D environments are now able to provide people with tourism locations, allow them to visit virtual versions of cities such as GeoSimPhilly that is a virtual Philadelphia or Wild Style City that is a virtual San Francisco enabling users to tag virtual graffiti; but also to allow people around the world to interact, make friends, play games together, create 2D and 3D content, and share music and music related information.

  Readers of the upcoming guides will know that there are many virtual and 3D worlds that can appeal to all sorts of individuals and companies, and which ones are intended for them and that will best meet their professional and entertainment needs.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Completed New Assignment

 This week I completed my new assignment for The Association of Virtual Worlds. The assignment was to locate any virtual worlds and companies that create virtual and 3D immersive environments that were not listed in the previous editions of The Consumer Guide To Virtual Worlds and the Enterprise Guide To Virtual Worlds. These new virtual worlds and companies will therefore be added to upcoming and revised editions of both guides.

  I found some new virtual worlds and companies by researching websites that introduce and list all the latest virtual worlds and companies that create virtual worlds, which are recommended to those interested in such technology. There are many new types of virtual worlds that allow their users to visit U.S. and foreign towns and islands, make friends, play games with people either all over the world or locally, share knowledge and passion for music, and create graffiti. I do not really use virtual environments, but I learned a lot about their purposes, capabilities, and basically the various types that are available to people around the world. Some of these virtual worlds are open to people around the world, while others are intended for people in particular countries or towns. Nevertheless, they all aim to give people the closest possible experiences of being in distant locations or doing things in far away places. There is really not that much of a difference between these virtual worlds; one virtual environment for instance allows users to examine graffiti in San Francisco, which gives them the feeling that they are in San Francisco; while another virtual world allows people to play games on an island, which gives them the feeling of being on that island. It is all about giving people the feeling as best as possible of visiting a particular place that they are not really physically at.

  I have not yet gotten feedback on my assignment, but I hope these worlds and companies will be useful for the upcoming editions of the guides.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 11: New Assignment

  I received a new assignment from my site supervisor, which is to help her update two guides by The Association of Virtual Worlds. One guide is called Consumer Guide to Virtual Worlds and the other is titled, Enterprise Guide to Virtual Worlds. The assignment is to do Internet research to find both virtual worlds and names of companies that supply virtual or 3D immersive environments that are new and were not listed in the previous editions of the two guides. Once I find the latest virtual worlds or new companies that supply such environments, I will do a write up of them which will include the names of the worlds or companies, but also links to the web sites for those virtual worlds or companies. These write ups will be added to updated and upcoming editions of the guides.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 10

 There is not much to report this week since my site supervisor is currently working on my next assignment and is getting it prepared. She will send me my new assignment by e-mail at the end of this week.

  My site supervisor was originally going to assign me a new project the week before Spring Break, but decided to hold off since I was busy with cataloging midterm exams. She decided to wait until the first week of April to create my new assignment, which I will be expecting by Monday.